The Swiss Qube. Brain teaser. Secret wooden puzzle box.
Designed specially for doggo clients in Switzerland, the Swiss Qube is tri-dimensional puzzle game full of surprising traps, drawers, lids! It urges dogs to push, life, slide and knock over different components to unveil hidden treats.
Level of difficulty is high but can be controlled by adding or removing components where treats are placed.
Difficulty Level: between 1 and 4 Paws
Dimensions: 12" x 13" x 5"
Recommended for medium to large size breeds like spaniels, collies, retrievers and shepherds or dogs with a taste for larger toys!
Two opposing sides of this box feature two slots, and one of the tiles can be pushed through one of these. Both tiles have a loop attached so that your dog is able to pull them out of the slots. The tile features openings for the insertion of pieces (two hats and five cylinders). The base also features openings and tracks that can be aligned with the openings in the tiles.
The tile can be fixed to a point by inserting the pieces into the openings and tracks at the base. There are two additional openings outside the box which cylinders can be inserted into. You can set the game to its most difficult level by placing the loops of a tile over these cylinders.
Placed above the pieces at the centre of the box is a lid with a loop and two openings for the cylinders. The “Swiss Qube” can be closed at the top with two movable tiles. There is a gap between the two tiles at the centre of the box so that your dog can push these aside with its paw or nose and reach the lid below.
All our games and puzzles are made from certified wood covered with water-based varnish that is not harmful to humans and animals. Please keep the game dry and free of water exposure, as the wooden pieces may swell otherwise. Use only dry treats for playing with our games.
Here's how it works:
1. Place treats in the indentations in the base. Then insert the tiles in the lower slots in the box. Insert two hats through the openings in the tiles and push them to the end of the track in the centre of the base. Place the cylinders in the three remaining openings. Fix the tile with the two cylinders by placing the loops over the cylinders. Make sure your pet observes you while you are doing it.
2. Place the lid and its loop on top of the pieces. Place treats in the openings in the lid and cover these with two cylinders.
Close the box with the two movable tiles. Give your dog the sign to start playing. Encourage your dog to seek the treats hidden inside of the puzzle.
3. Praise the dog each time he/she solves the task - this motivates them to play as much as the smell of their favorite treat.
- Play with your dog and encourage him to solve the task. Stay calm, be patient and continue to explain the game to your dog until he understands it.
- Do not let your dog play unsupervised and intervene when he starts to bite the game. Cats can play with the puzzle on its own.
- Let your dog play with the game no longer than 10 minutes, otherwise he might lose his interest in the game. Distract him with something else and put the game away for a little while.
- A few days break from the puzzle and playing with other games from My Intelligent Dogs® games collection will let your dog enjoy the Dog’s Fortune Wheel game anew each time you give it to him.
Playing this game together will sure strengthen emotional bond between you and your cat and provide physical activity necessary to ensure your pet’s health and wellbeing.
According to dog’s behaviorists 15 minutes of mental stimulation with employment of interactive game equivalents to 1 hour of physical exercise. This is especially important for the dogs living in large cities where long walks are difficult and impossible , senior dogs with ailments that do not allow them for prolong outings and those living in cold climates where going outside can put animal’s health at risk.